North Kissimmee Christian School

North Kissimmee Christian School Grades 1-6

NKCS Grades 1-6

The North Kissimmee Christian School offers students from Grade 1 to 6th Grade a safe, supportive and academically challenging environment. This grade range can bring many changes as students leave the Pre K level setting and prepare for their elementary and middle school studies. Our teachers, administrators and staff know well the needs specific to this stage of life. They help North Kissimmee Christian School families to maximize this exciting time.

A hallmark of our elementary and middle school programs is our concerted emphasis on developing critical-thinking skills in our students across disciplines. Excellent academic studies along with well-rounded and enjoyable activities help to form a well-rounded student.

All middle school students take courses in language arts, math, science, social studies and foreign language. Students also receive instruction physical education and weekly chapel services.

For more information on Grades 1-6, please contact us here.

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