North Kissimmee Christian School

North Kissimmee Christian School Mission Statement


HOLY SPIRIT: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the convictor of sin, the chief agent of regeneration and sanctification, and that He indwells, seals, and empowers believers. John 14:16-19; 16:7-15.

MANKIND: We believe that in the beginning God created mankind in His image, and is not in any sense the product of evolution. Genesis 1:27.
SIN: We believe that Adam, the first man, sinned by disobedience. This act resulted in the fall of all mankind so that all people have sinned and lost their ability to live for the glory of God. Every person’s sin incurs both physical and spiritual death until there is forgiveness and salvation by the grace of God. Genesis 3:1-24; Romans 3:10-23; 5:12-21; 6:23.

SALVATION: We believe the salvation of lost and sinful people is a free gift of God’s grace apart from human works, based solely upon Christ’s vicarious and atoning death. Ephesians 2:8-10; II Corinthians 5:21.
THE CHURCH: We believe that the church is the body of Christ and the family of God. It is made up of saved and baptized believers, who regularly join together for worship, fellowship, and ministry. I Corinthians 12:12-14; Hebrews 10:25.

EVANGELISM: We believe that it is the responsibility and privilege of every Christian to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to seek to make growing disciples. Matthew 28:18-20.

THE HOME: In addition to these important beliefs, we also believe that God has given the parents and the home the responsibility of bringing up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 22:6. We believe that a consistent and whole education will occur when home, church, and school work closely together and are in agreement on the basic concepts of life.
What That Means For You

THE SCRIPTURES: God spoke it, we believe it. It isn’t history, it’s reality. What God says, He Means. If something collides with Scripture, we will side with Scripture every time.
GOD: God should be the object of our worship for both students and staff at all times- in speech, action, and intent.

JESUS CHRIST: Jesus was a real person who walked the Earth as God in skin. His story is true, His words are relevant, His promises reliable, His death bittersweet, and His resurrection powerful. Jesus is to be held in the highest respect at all times- whether on the court, in the classroom, or at home.

HOLY SPIRIT: Prayer is a powerful tool that God as given to us. We believe that a family that prays together, stay together. We seek to hear from God and believe that in our decisions through the Holy Spirit He answers us.

MANKIND: Everyone except Jesus is broken from birth. No one is perfect so mistakes and sin will occur.
SIN: Sin is defined in two ways-doing what God told us we shouldn’t do and failing to do what God has called us to do

NKCS strives to teach students to live sanctified obedient lives to Christ, but when sin occurs (and it will) we also seek to help the parties involved work out their problems through prayer, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

SALVATION: We believe that Jesus died for all people regardless of their sex, creed, color, income, etc. Because His forgiveness was an undeserving gift to us, we likewise forgive others and live grace-filled lives.

THE CHURCH: All students attending NKCS should be plugged into a church somewhere. We have chapel once a week and believe this time is vital to our school’s health. Likewise, we hold each other accountable- encouraging each other in the good and supporting each other in the bad.

EVANGELISM: Teachers at NKCS teach and counsel students from a Biblical worldview. Our curriculum is founded upon Scripture and our goal is to raise up Christian leaders of the next generation.

THE HOME: You must be involved in your child’s life for their education to succeed. From homework to discipline, it all starts with you and we want to help in anyway we can. However, our school is no substitute for a loving home. God holds parents personally responsible for the well-being and education of their children. We can’t do this without you!!!!!

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